The farm labourers museum

A few kilometres from Palazzolo, perched on a hill sits Buscemi hosting a unique and interesting museum, “I Luoghi del Lavoro Contadino” โ€“ โ€œThe Farm Labourers Museumโ€, whose 8 show rooms are scattered throughout the city centre. The museum is a private structure, made and run by volunteers, intending to present the Buscemese culture with didactic purposes and social development. These attest to the many cultural initiatives such as the involvement of young people in order to stimulate and inspire them to have awareness of the economic potential that can result from proper use of the cultural patrimony and environment.

You will be guided through various workshops, that of the blacksmith, the shoemaker, the carpenter, the โ€˜palmentoโ€™ where crushing of grapes took place and the oil mill, where Gabriele Lavia set scenes from the film “La lupa”. This continues into the “casa massaru ro”, a typical house from the area of the small landowner, an expression of the middle classes of eastern Sicily. The inside consists of four compartments; the entrance, kitchen (where a stone hearth is preserved), the weaving room (where itโ€™s possible to assist with the processing cycle using the loom) and the bedroom with a large double bed and a peculiar cradle hanging from the ceiling, the clothes and the equipment brought in dowry by the bride.

Write an email toย siracusatour@gmail.comย for more information

Post Written By Daniele Valvo

Laureato in ingegneria elettrica presso l'Universitร  di Catania, ho scelto con forza di non emigrare perchรจ legato alla mia Sicilia. Forte dei miei studi scientifici e desideroso di aiutare gli altri nel loro di percorso di vita, utilizzando il metodo Mindfulness, maieutica socratica, l'approccio scoutistico, stimolo l'energia interiore delle persone con attivitร  d'introspezione in Natura. Con la mia ditta Siracua Tour costruisco anche applicazioni per la fruizione dei Beni Culturali del territorio ibleo, e effettuo progetti nelle scuole e per ultimo insegno Informatica presso i corsi di formazione.

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