Museum of Travellers in Sicily (Palazzolo Acreide)

The โ€œMuseo dei Viaggiataoriโ€- โ€œTravelers Museumโ€ in Sicily, was set up by those aware of the importance of the high cultural value and is unique in the context of promoting the heritage, artistry and landscape of Sicily, in particular, the Ibleo region.

This prestigious institution is housed in the rooms of the religious Seventeenth century building, Palazzo Vaccaro, which was rebuilt in the nineteenth century as a private dwelling house and became a municipal property from 1997. The museumโ€™s wealth of preserved valuables are useful insights into the past and help give more knowledge and understanding into the landscape and monumental analysis, for the protection of cultural importance today.

The eighteenth-century collection is the result of notes and annotations, often accompanied by geographical maps and drawings, through a journey in Sicily, highlighting its classical antiquity leaving an irreplaceable graphical witness and description of social history. Among the most significant testimonies are those of the architect and the French painter, Jean Houel. He arrived in Sicily in 1777, and drew parts of the Ibleo territory like Cavagrande and Vendicari with their extraordinary beauty and monuments made with the precision of a chronicler. His detailed reporting in writing and aquatints characterising aspects of the environmental and cultural heritage of Sicily.


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Post Written By Daniele Valvo

Laureato in ingegneria elettrica presso l'Universitร  di Catania, ho scelto con forza di non emigrare perchรจ legato alla mia Sicilia. Forte dei miei studi scientifici e desideroso di aiutare gli altri nel loro di percorso di vita, utilizzando il metodo Mindfulness, maieutica socratica, l'approccio scoutistico, stimolo l'energia interiore delle persone con attivitร  d'introspezione in Natura. Con la mia ditta Siracua Tour costruisco anche applicazioni per la fruizione dei Beni Culturali del territorio ibleo, e effettuo progetti nelle scuole e per ultimo insegno Informatica presso i corsi di formazione.

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