Monti Climiti

Daily Tour 4 hours Availability: 08/05/2018
Unnamed Road, 96010, Priolo Gargallo SR

They are a hilly chain of eastern Sicily located northwest of Syracuse and included in the municipal territories of Melilli, Priolo Gargallo and Sortino. The maximum height of the plateau is 410 m s.l.m. and they represent the last part of the Iblei that from here descend towards the Piana di Siracusa facing out to the east on the Ionian Sea and to the west on the valley of the Anapo.


The name “Clìmiti” derives from the Greek κλίμαξ (klímax) which means “scale”, since the sides of the plateau are constituted by outcropping rock steps, radially furrowed by natural quarries that cut the rock from the base to the summit plateau.

Sono una catena collinare della Sicilia orientale situata a nord-ovest di Siracusa e compresa nei territori comunali di Melilli, Priolo Gargallo e Sortino. L’altitudine massima dell’altopiano è di 410 m s.l.m. e rappresentano l’ultima parte degli Iblei che da qui scendono verso la Piana di Siracusa affacciandosi ad est sul Mar Ionio e ad ovest sulla valle dell’Anapo.

Il nome “Clìmiti” deriva dal greco κλίμαξ (klímax) che significa “scala”, poiché i fianchi dell’altopiano sono costituiti da gradoni di roccia affioranti, solcati radialmente da cave naturali che tagliano la roccia dalla base fino al pianoro sommitale.

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    You will cross a forest in the middle of the valley. The animals, especially the birds will accompany you all the way. The “small” ddiere and the “big” ddiere will be reached. You will see a real palace carved into the rock. uncontaminated nature and know a history distant thousands of years.

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      37.111572 15.164180

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